Validation of the 4C prediction models to inform care for patients with COVID-19: final steps towards clinical applicationMilo A Puhan, Mohsen Sadatsafavi
2 February 2022
QCOVID in Scotland: time to recalibrate our expectations?Rishi K Gupta, Maarten van Smeden
15 November 2021
Acute and sustained increase in endothelial biomarkers in COVID-19Raúl Méndez, Paula González-Jiménez, Ana Latorre, Mónica Piqueras, Leyre Bouzas, Katheryn Yépez, Ana Ferrando, Enrique Zaldívar-Olmeda, Antonio Moscardó, Ricardo Alonso, Soledad Reyes, Rosario Menéndez
4 October 2021
Physical, cognitive and mental health outcomes in 1-year survivors of COVID-19-associated ARDSNicola Latronico, Elena Peli, Stefano Calza, Federica Rodella, Maria Paola Novelli, Andrea Cella, John Marshall, Dale M Needham, Frank Antony Rasulo, Simone Piva, , LOTO Investigators, Andrea Borghesi, Silvia Barbieri, Silvia CapucciniSee the full list of authors
29 September 2021
RAND appropriateness panel to determine the applicability of UK guidelines on the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and other strategies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemicMark Griffiths, Susanna Meade, Charlotte Summers, Daniel Francis McAuley, Alastair Proudfoot, Marta Montero Baladia, Paul M Dark, Kate Diomede, Simon J Finney, Lui G Forni, Chris Meadows, Ian A Naldrett, Brijesh Patel, Gavin D Perkins, Mark A SamaanSee the full list of authors
27 May 2021
COVID-19 vaccine-related interstitial lung disease: a case studyJi Young Park, Joo-Hee Kim, In Jae Lee, Hwan Il Kim, Sunghoon Park, Yong Il Hwang, Seung Hun Jang, Ki-Suck Jung
6 August 2021
Vaccine-induced interstitial lung disease: a rare reaction to COVID-19 vaccinationAlison M DeDent, Erica Farrand
11 September 2021
COVID-19 risk and mortality in hospitals: this is not a time to let our guard downJemima T Collins, Ben Carter, Jonathan Hewitt
27 September 2021
Immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 in the lungPrabhu S Arunachalam
4 June 2021
Arterial and venous thromboembolism in COVID-19: a study-level meta-analysisBoun Kim Tan, Sabine Mainbourg, Arnaud Friggeri, Laurent Bertoletti, Marion Douplat, Yesim Dargaud, Claire Grange, Hervé Lobbes, Steeve Provencher, Jean-Christophe Lega
23 February 2021